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Contractor Solicitation after Tornado in Readyville, Tennessee

By: Kira Fullington

MTN Reporter

City officials are advising residents in Readyville, Tennessee to stay cautious.

A path of destruction was left after winds up to 130 miles per hour went through the town.

Unfortunately, in a time of need this can entice the possibility for scammers trying to make quick and easy money.

In a recent media release Cannon County Major Greg Mitchell and Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr put out a statement for residents to air on the side of caution after tornado damage.

Residents of Readyville are advised to report any suspicious activity. No official volunteer will ask for payment or a contract. If you are approached by someone asking for a fee or contact for clean up services make sure to report this activity.

For the community's and personal safety, it is advised to use your own personal insurance to process any claims.

You should report this activity to Cannon County Dispatch at 615-563-4322.


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