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Learn about the Electoral College with MTSU

Story by: Jackson Cates, MTN Reporter

October 18, 2020

Middle Tennessee State University is hosting an online zoom discussion about the Electoral College and its place in the government on October 29th.

University Honors College Dean Dr. John Vile, MTSU Provost Dr. Mark Byrnes and Political Science Chairman Dr. Michael Federici will be hosting the discussion. 

Business law professor and attorney Lara Daniel will act as the moderator for this event. 

During the meeting, Byrnes, Vile, and Federici will discuss the origins and current functions of the electoral college in modern day America. 

Anyone can join the meeting with no passcode being required. The link to the meeting can be found at here, the discussion will last from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 


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