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Over 1,000 New COVID Cases Reported in 24 Hours

Bethany Porter, MTN Reporter

February 8th, 2021

As of February 8th, 2021, the Tennessee Department of Health reports that there are 629,838 confirmed and 115,988 probable COVID-19 cases in Tennessee.

Within 24-hours there were an additional 1,226 cases reported. There are high case numbers in many counties: Bedford has 5,642, Cannon has 1,694, Coffee has 6,031, Dekalb has 2,580,

Rutherford has 36,036, and Warren has 5,266.

The TN Department of Health also reports that the age group that has the highest number of cases is 21 to 30-year-olds at 135,3635 cases, and the age group with the highest number of deaths are people 81-years-old and older at 4,075 reported COVID-19 related deaths.

The TN Department of Health encourages wearing a mask, social distancing, and handwashing to reduce infection rates.

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